When you start thinking about grief and its relationship to life, you quickly realize that grief and love are totally entwined.
Dr B J Miller
Hospice and palliative medicine physician, author and speaker
Last Dialogue
Last Dialogue began as a conversation at the Karunashraya Hospice in Bangalore in 2017. It evolved and has come together with the help of palliative care experts, counselors, wisdom collectors, and behavior designers. Consisting of 21 key prompts derived from primary and secondary research across various disciplines, they have been experienced by people from the ages of 11–70. The key is that it is important not to immortalize the lost loved one, but to keep them human and love them, thereby seeking a sense of compassion for them and for oneself. The questions can be asked in present and past tense as a way to bond with our loved ones and create deep connections.
By engaging in these conversations, we can remind ourselves that the people we love will always stay with us, and we will always be a part of them. It can be used individually, with loved ones, or with a counselor or facilitator.
In times like these, we must remember that we are not alone in this human experience. This gift is an invitation to explore our beautifully designed mortal spirit and unearth meaning, and a guide to building your own questions and rituals.
Dealing with loss?
Last Dialogue can help you with the language of loss and connection through a guided facilitation
You don’t need to be experiencing loss or close to the end of life in order to use the Last Dialogue prompts. They help you gain a vocabulary towards the complex subject of loss.
It is not meant prescriptive in any way. It does not replace any form of therapy. Its purpose is to help with connection and reflection.
The prompts belong to everyone and can be used with individuals or groups.
For a limited time, we have made our Last Dialogue prompts available for download.
This document may be downloaded, distributed and displayed for personal, educational or editorial use with attribution.
If you would like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us.