Krittika Sharma Krittika Sharma

Akshay Nanavati

“A death meditation is by far one of the most impactful and enlightening forms of meditation I have ever experienced. I have been through 3 death meditations with Krittika, and each time it opened up new doors within my soul. One was an intense and harsh awakening, while another was light and beautiful. That’s the power of this journey. It gives you exactly what you need when you need it.

Even though I have faced death on multiple occasions from being in a war zone to climbing mountains in the Himalayas, I still found myself gaining new insights as a result of the masterful manner in which Krittika guided me on a journey through life and death. She leads the meditation with tremendous love, compassion and grace. This allows every participant to really feel they are in a safe space to experience whatever shows up within. I am forever grateful to Krittika for guiding me through a voyage into death, so that I could walk away with a greater appreciation of this true gift of life."

Akshay Nanavati

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Krittika Sharma Krittika Sharma

Deepak Ramola

“Those who hold life too dear are afraid to even speak about death. Krittika through her death meditation encourages you to hold the awareness of dying so close that life invariably seems closer. Her gentle reminders nudge us to come back to track. The session reminded me of how much curiosity and appreciation one can hold within, when made to introspect in a safe and solved environment.

Many little epiphanies bubble up during the journey. Krittika is a master in teaching how to not let the noise outshine the peace within. Temporary failure is permitted in this exercise but not the eternal one. Eternal failure would mean we ignored the peace, we did not let the silence inform our senses. We did not recuperate from the dark and did not taste the light. She makes you feel reborn. This I know for sure that death will be guilty of taking her life one day for she made so many people live so authentically.”

Deepak Ramola

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Krittika Sharma Krittika Sharma

Raghava K K

“I think the death meditation was one of the most profound meditations that I have experienced. It is beautifully guided by Krittika and for the first time in my entire life, I had a glimpse into the kind of life I wanted to have at the end of my life around how I judge my own life and who I saw around me.

Accepting death is one of the biggest fears in the world and confronting one of your biggest fears with such serenity and so much clarity actually gives life purpose. I strongly recommend this for anyone whose life seems confusing and lacks clarity. Krittika is very dedicated to the field of thanatology and I certainly feel some kind of transformation after the meditation. It has given me so much perspective and connection with the self.

After all, we are all living stories and at the end of the chapter, thinking about the kind of story you have lived is an important creative activity humans can do.

Raghava K K

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